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Life skills self-efficacy in students with specific learning difficulties in Hong Kong
Peter MK Shea, The Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China
Mantak Yuen, The University of Hong Kong
Ryder TH Chan, The University of Hong Kong
Norman C Gysbers, The University of Missouri-Columbia
Raymond MC Chan, The Hong Kong Baptist University
Patrick SY Lau, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
CAISE Review 2014 Volume 2, pp 139-153
Regular Article
This paper reports the life skills self-efficacy among junior secondary students (S.1 – S.3) with specific learning difficulties in reading and writing (SpLD) (dyslexia), in Hong Kong. A sample of 133 students with SpLD completed the Life Skills Development Self-Efficacy Inventory. This instrument has four scales covering skills in areas of academic, personal, social, and career and talent development. Previous international studies have suggested that students with SpLD exhibit more difficulties in these areas when compared to non-SpLD students―but results from the present study indicated that participants in Hong Kong possessed reasonably positive views of their self-efficacy in the four domains. Their level of overall self-efficacy was comparable to that of a local normative group, although a few subtle differences were identified. The implications of the findings are discussed.
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