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Creating a Mentoring Scheme for Students with Special Educational Needs: 
School-based Experience of a Secondary School in Hong Kong


Franky Kai-cheung Poon, Vice Principal, HKRSS Tai Po Secondary School, Hong Kong

CAISE Review 2013 Volume 1, pp 40-51
Special Issue: Learner Diversity in Mainstream Schools and Special Schools


This paper documents the attempt of one secondary school in Hong Kong to identify, nurture and celebrate the talents and successes of students with special educational needs through a teacher-student mentoring scheme. Two important features distinguish this mentoring scheme from many others that focus instead on deficit, diagnosis, categorization and individual treatments when supporting students with special needs. First, a development-oriented approach that emphasizes students’ strengths provides the guiding principles for the scheme. Another important feature is that it adopts a whole-school approach in which support comes not only from a school functional group such as the counseling team or student support team, but also from all the teachers who serve as mentors. It is argued that a mentoring scheme which includes: (1) early identification, (2) appropriate mentor-mentee matching, (3) provision of quality interaction and communication opportunities, and (4) a school function which promotes and showcases students’ achievements can help students with special needs reach their potential. The scheme can also embrace and exemplify the true benefits of diversity, in which differences are equally respected and valued.

Key words
Mentoring, special educational needs, inclusion, secondary school


創設一個以特殊教育需要學生為對象的導師計劃: 香港一所中學的校本經驗

潘啟祥  |  香港紅卍字會大埔卍慈中學副校長

本文敘述了香港一所中學如何透過導師計劃,發掘、培育及發展一些被診斷為有特殊教育需要學生的天賦及長處。與其他側重「缺乏、診斷、分類及個人治療」,以支援特殊教育需要學生的導師計劃尤為不同的,是本文所敘述的計劃包含了以下兩項特點﹕首先,採用發展為本的方法 (Poon & Lin, 2011),著重學生的長處,亦為整個計劃的導向原則。其次,採用全校參與模式,對學生的支援來自全校所有老師,而不只局限於一些學校功能組別,如訓輔小組或學生支援隊伍等。
本文提出一個能夠幫助有特殊學習需要學生盡展潛能的導師計劃 (正如個案學校的例子) 須包括以下特點﹕(1) 及早識別 (2) 適當導師 — 學員配對 (3) 提供具質素的互動及溝通機會及 (4) 能推廣及展示每一位學生才能的學校活動。此計劃亦顯示了多樣性的真正意涵,無論差異如何,均受到同等尊重和珍視。


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