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Perceptions of Educators and Parents of Students with Disabilities towards
the Special Education Process in Hong Kong
Lusa Lo, University of Massachusetts Boston
Patcy P. S. Yeung, The University of Hong Kong
Mantak Yuen, The University of Hong Kong
CAISE Review 2013 Volume 1, pp 117-129
Special Issue: Learner Diversity in Mainstream Schools and Special Schools
Policy to promote inclusive education has been in place in Hong Kong for over a decade. Through adopting the Whole School Approach, schools are expected to cater to the individual needs of students with disabilities in a comprehensive manner. This study used a focus group to explore the views of parents of children with disabilities and of educators with regard to the special education process in place in local schools. Results suggested that both parents and educators feel that the current practices of educational support for students with disabilities are not well implemented. A majority of the parents are confused by the special education process and feel that many educators are not prepared professionally or attitudinally to work with their children. Furthermore, educators reported that the limited resources allocated to schools prevent them from providing individualised services to students who are in need. The participants offered recommendations for practitioners and policy makers.
Key words
parent involvement, special education, disability, Hong Kong, inclusive education
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